Nizamuddin Aulia Dargah | Delhi

How Your Donations Help NizamuddinDargah


NizamuddinDargah is not just a sacred place for spiritual seekers but also a hub of charity and social work. Your donations play a vital role in maintaining this heritage and supporting the welfare activities associated with the dargah. Let’s explore how your contributions make a difference and the current appeals where your generosity can help those in need.

Winter Clothes & Blanket Distribution

Every year, Delhi faces harsh winters, with temperatures dropping as low as -2°C. Your donations to the Winter Clothes and Blanket Distribution campaign help provide warmth and comfort to the homeless and those in need during the cold months. This appeal ensures that the vulnerable are protected from the bitter cold.

Daily Food Distribution

The daily food distribution program at the dargah helps feed hundreds of people every day. By donating, you support this long-standing tradition of serving food to the hungry, ensuring that everyone who comes to the dargah is fed. Your contributions enable the dargah to continue this charitable legacy.

Monthly Food Packs

By donating monthly food packs, you contribute to a sustained effort to fight hunger. These packs provide essential food supplies to families in need, helping them survive and improve their living conditions. Your monthly contributions can change lives and bring hope to those struggling to meet their basic needs.

Candles / Chiragha'n

The tradition of lighting candles and chiraghs at NizamuddinDargah is a beautiful expression of devotion and faith. Your donations to this appeal keep this spiritual tradition alive, bringing light and hope to the dargah and its visitors.

Chadar / Cloth Sheet Offering

The offering of chadar at the dargah is a sacred act of devotion. By contributing to this appeal, you are partaking in an age-old tradition while also helping maintain the sanctity of the shrine. Your donations support both the spiritual and charitable activities of the dargah.

School Reconstruction

Education is a powerful tool for change, and your donations towards school reconstruction help build a brighter future for children in need. This appeal supports the reconstruction of schools, ensuring that underprivileged children have access to quality education.

Flowers Offering

Flowers hold spiritual significance at the dargah. By donating towards flower offerings, you not only partake in this revered tradition but also contribute to the upkeep of the shrine. This small gesture helps maintain the spiritual ambiance of the dargah.

Donation Subscription

Through the donation subscription model (SadaqahJariyah), you can make a lasting impact by supporting the ongoing charitable activities of the dargah. This form of continuous charity allows your generosity to benefit those in need over time, ensuring that the legacy of the dargah continues to thrive.


Every donation, big or small, helps keep the NizamuddinDargah alive as a place of worship, charity, and cultural significance. By contributing, you are not just preserving history but also supporting current appeals that help thousands of people in need.